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Mahon, R.C., Hughes, C., Chen, H., Shaw, J.B. [2024], Ancient channel-mouth bifurcation angles on Earth and Mars: The Sedimentary Record, 22(1), open access article


Mahon, R.C., Ganti, V., Kelley, M., Das, D., Sanchez, V., Portocarrero, G., [2024], Lower bound on preserved flood duration in fluvial bedform stratigraphy: Geophysical Research Letters, 51(15), e2024GL109622, open access article


Ganti, V., Das, D., Kelley, M., Mahon, R.C., [2024], Timescales of autogenic noise in bedform evolution and fluvial cross strata: Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11), e2024GL108965, open access article 

Smith, B.P., Mahon, R.C., Lincoln, T., Hagen, C., Olsen-Valdez, J., Magyar, J., and Trower, E. [2024],Wave dynamics and sediment transport in Great Salt Lake: A model-data comparison: Utah Geological Association Guidebook 51, Great Salt Lake and the Bonneville Basin: Geologic history and Anthropocene issues, 18pp., doi: 0.31711/ugap.v51i.139 [article pdf]


Ali, H., Sheffield, S.L., Bauer, J.E., Caballero-Gill, R.P., Gasparini, N., Libarkin, J., Gonzales, K.K., Willenbring, J., Amir-Lin, E., Cisneros, J., Desai, D., Erwin, M., Gallant, E., Gomez, K.J., Keisling, B.A., Mahon, R.C., Marín-Spiotta, E., Welcome, L. [2021], An actionable anti-racism plan for geoscience organizations. Nature Communications, v. 12, no. 3794, doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-23936-w [open access article]. Based on petition garnering >25,000 signatures, awarded 2020 AGU Presidential Citation for Science in Society [citation]


Fernandes, A.M., Abeyta, A., Mahon, R.C., Martindale, R., Bergman, K.D., Jackson, C., Present, T.M., Swanson, T., Reano, D., Butler, K., Brisson, S., Mohrig, D., Johnson, C. [2020], “Enriching lives within Sedimentary Geology”: Evaluating SEPM’s role in diversity, equity, and inclusion and recommendations for improvement: The Sedimentary Record, 18(3), 4-12, Preprint doi: 10.31223/ [articlepre-print pdf]


Ashley, T.C., Mahon, R.C., Naqshband, S., McElroy, B. [2020], Probability distributions of particle hop distance and travel time over equilibrium mobile bedforms: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface v. 125, no. 7, doi:10.1029/2020JF005647, ESSOAr preprint doi:10.1002/essoar.10502734.1 [articlepre-print pdf]


Mahon, R.C. and Shaw, J.B. [in revision], A faithful record of channel mouth bifurcation angles in river delta stratigraphy on Earth and Mars: In revision for resubmission to Geology. EarthArXiv Preprint doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/9R64A [pre-print pdf]


Ke, W.-T., Shaw, J.B., Mahon, R.C., Cathcart, C.A. [2019], Distributary channel networks as moving boundaries: Causes and morphokinematic effects: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, doi:10.1029/2019JF005084  [article  -  pre-print pdf]


Mahon, R.C. and McElroy, B. [2018], Indirect estimation of bedload flux from modern sand-bed rivers and ancient fluvial strata: Geology, in press, doi:10.1130/G40161.1 [article pdf]


Naqshband, S., McElroy, B., Mahon, R.C. [2017], Validating a universal model of particle transport lengths with laboratory measurements of suspended grain motions: Water Resources Research, v. 53, no. 5, p. 4106-4123, doi:10.1002/2016WR020024 [article pdf]


Mahon, R.C., Shaw, J.B., Barnhart, K.R., Hobley, D.E.J., McElroy, B. [2015], Quantifying the stratigraphic completeness of delta shoreline trajectories: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, v. 120, doi:10.1002/2014JF003298 [article pdf]


Link, P.K., Mahon, R.C., Beranek, L.P., Campbell-Stone, E.A., Lynds, R.S. [2014], Detrital zircon provenance of Pennsylvanian and Permian sandstones: Wyoming Craton, Uinta Mountains and Wood River Basin: Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 49, no. 2, p. 115-136, doi:10.2113/gsrocky.49.2.137 [article pdf]


Mahon, R.C., Dehler, C.M., Link, P.K., Karlstrom, K.E., Gehrels, G.E. [2014], Geochronologic and stratigraphic constraints on the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic Pahrump Group, Death Valley, California:  A record of the assembly, stability and breakup of Rodinia: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 126, no. 5-6, p. 652-664, doi:10.1130/B30956.1 [article pdf]


Mahon, R.C., Dehler, C.M., Karlstrom, K.E., Link, P.K., Gehrels, G.E. [2014], Detrital zircon provenance and paleogeography of the Pahrump Group and overlying strata, Death Valley, California: Precambrian Research, v. 251, p. 102-117, doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2014.06.005 [article pdf]



(* indicates student presenting author)

Mahon, R.C., Foster-Martinez, M., Boyle, K.S., Cox, T.E., Kulp, M.A., O’Connell, M.T., Cothren, G.M., Bastola, S.,  Podgorski, D.C., 2024, Developing a public-facing real-time environmental monitoring network for Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Borgne, coastal Louisiana. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting Abstracts, CP34A-1863.

Kelley, M., Das, D., Ganti, V., Mahon, R.C., 2023, Title: Linking Particle Trajectories to Changes in Bedform 3-Dimensionality. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, EP41D-2341.

Ganti, V., Kelley, M., Mahon, R.C., Das, D., 2023 Quantitative bounds on the timescales of flood preservation in fluvial cross strata. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, EP53B-06.

Das, D., Kelley, M., Mahon, R.C., Ganti, V., 2023, Experimental investigation of three-dimensional bedform morphodynamics under non-uniform flow conditions: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, EP41D-2343.

Mahon, R.C., Cisneros, J., Johnson, B.A., Tinoco, R.O., Yager, E., 2022, Community experimentation- building an open, accessible future in hydraulics, geomorphology, ecohydraulics, and sedimentology. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, EP22C-1371.

Mahon, R.C., Cisneros, J., Baar, A.W., 2021 Discussing open data practices with real-time community bedform experiments, AGU Fall Meeting. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, EP22C-1371.

Noel, S.K.*, Mahon, R.C., Shaw, J.B., 2021, Sediment Re-entrainment in Fine-Grained Delta Front Systems, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, EP53B-09.

Cross, M.*, Penko, A., Mahon, R.C., 2021, Biological cohesion and bedform dynamics, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, EP55F-1175

Del Vecchio, J., Hassenruck-Gudipati, H., Roth, D., Merritts, D., Hill, K., Sun, X., Kwang, J., Koppes, M., Mahon, R., Madoff, R., Gasparini, N., Lehnigk, K., McDowell, C., Callahan, R., Mukherjee, U., Sklar, L., Gagliardi, J., Luna, L., Straub, K., 2021, URGE Pod Outcomes for the AGU EPSP Section, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, U35A-2265.

Gasparini, N., Roth, D., Madoff, R., Mukherjee, U., Callahan, R., Mahon, R., Sklar, L., Gagliardi, J., Lehnigk, K., Luna, L., Merritts, D., Kwang, J., Del Vecchio, J., Sun, X., Koppes, M., McDowell, C., Straub, K., Hassenruck-Gudipati, H., 2021, Lessons learned from the AGU EPSP URGE pod on how to structure an equitable, inclusive, and safe committee space, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, U35A-2248

Campbell, J.*, Swanson, T., Mahon, R.C., 2021, Exploring the influence of bed seepage on the formation of ripple lamination under waning flow, GSA Annual Meeting.

Duncan, M.*, Swanson, T., Mahon, R.C., Fernandes, A., Abeyta, A., 2021, Directional sensitivity of cross-strata set thickness statistics, GSA Annual Meeting.

Lapham, L.*, Beech, M., Fernandes, A., Mahon, R.C., Swanson, T., 2021, Analyzing organic carbon and particle size in sediment deposited by the Mississippi River flood of 2019, GSA Annual Meeting.

Cross, M.*, Penko, A., Mahon, R.C., 2021, Biological cohesion and bedform dynamics, GSA Annual Meeting.

Mahon, R.C., Ganti, V., Ashley, T.C., Leary, K.P., 2020 (invited), Stochastic model for the development of fluvial bedform cross set bounding surfaces: GSA Annual Meeting, submitted abstract.

Abeyta, A., Fernandes, A., Mahon, R.C., Swanson, T., 2020, Remote research opportunities expand reach and increase diversity - a need to expand and continue after COVID 19: GSA Annual Meeting, submitted abstract.

Benally, D.A. Jr.*, Lapham, L., Redhouse, K.T., Abeyta, A., Fernandes, A.M., Mahon, R.C., Swanson T., 2020, Developing educational modules to quantify microplastic presence in rivers and sedimentary washes: GSA Annual Meeting, submitted Abstract.

Duncan, M.*, Swanson, T., Mahon, R.C., Fernandes, A.M., Abeyta, A., 2020, Investigating the sensitivity of cross-strata set thickness statistics to section alignment with flow direction: GSA Annual Meeting, submitted Abstract.

Lapham, L.N.*, Benally, D.A. Jr., Redhouse, K.T., Fernandes, A.M., Mahon, R.C., Abeyta, A., Swanson, T., 2020, Identifying the sources of organic carbon in sediment deposited by the Mississippi River flood of 2019: GSA Annual Meeting, submitted Abstract.

Russell, A.C.*, Fernandes, A.M., Abeyta, A., Sheikholeslami, H., Mahon, R.C., Swanson, T., 2020, Tracking the lived experiences of undergraduate geoscientists engaged in research to assess the success of inclusive project design: GSA Annual Meeting, submitted Abstract.

Redhouse, E.*, Padilla, B.J., Mahon, R.C., Abeyta, A., Fernandes, A.M., Swanson, T. 2020, Analyzing sediment accumulation from floodwater diversion, Bonnet Carre Spillway, LA: GSA Annual Meeting, submitted Abstract.

Redhouse, K.T.*, Abyeta, A., Fernandes, A.M., Mahon, R.C., Swanson, T., 2020, Analyzing how geologists interpret stratigraphy using eye tracking software: GSA Annual Meeting, submitted Abstract.

Smiley, M.*, Abeyta, A., Fernandes, A.M., Swanson, T., Mahon R.C., 2020, A critique of delta restoration on the Mississippi River Delta – Absence of people and community? GSA Annual Meeting, submitted Abstract.
Abeyta, A., Fernandes, A., Mahon, R.C., Swanson, T., 2020, The Hidden Cost of Field Education is a Barrier to Diversifying Geosciences: AGU Fall Meeting, submitted abstract.

Abeyta, A., Fernandes, A., Mahon, R.C., Swanson, T., 2020, Remote research opportunities expand reach and increase diversity - a need to expand and continue after COVID 19: AGU Fall Meeting, submitted abstract.


Abeyta, A., Fernandes, A., Mahon, R., Swanson, T. [2020] The True Cost of Participation – Addressing Financial Barriers to Field Education: Earth Educators Rendezvous, [abstract] 


Mahon, R.C., Ganti, V., Ashley, T.C., McElroy, B. [2020], Stochastic model for the development of fluvial bedform cross set bounding surfaces: SEPM International Sedimentary Geosciences Congress, Flagstaff, Arizona. 

Swanson, T., Mohrig, D., Mahon, R.C. [2020], Modeling sedimentary structures generated during terminal sand transport by turbidity currents: SEPM International Sedimentary Geosciences Congress, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Shaw, J.B., Mahon, R.C., Gilchrist, S. [2020], Sedimentology of a Prograding Distributary Channel Network: SEPM International Sedimentary Geosciences Congress, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Tevis*, L. Mahon, R.C., Esposito, C.R. [2019], Flow and sediment dynamics through complex emergent vegetation: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Amos*, M., Mahon, R.C., Shaw, J.B., Cathcart, C.A. [2019], Sediment transport dynamics and the evolution of subaqueous delta channel levees: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, EP23E-2254.

Shaw, J.B., Ke, W.-T., Mahon, R.C. [2018 invited], Comparing and contrasting tributary and distributary channel networks: GSA Abstracts with Programs, vol. 50, no. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-321310


Mahon, R.C. and Shaw, J.B. [2018], A faithful record of channel mouth bifurcation angles in river delta stratigraphy on Earth and Mars: AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., EP31D-2379 [abstract]

Ashley, T.C., Mahon, R.C., Naqshband, S., Leary, K., McElroy, B. [2018], Ensemble distributions of particle hop distance and travel time over equilibrium Dunes: AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., EP33A-10 [abstract]

Cathcart, C., Shaw, J.B., Mahon, R.C., Ke, W.-T. [2018], Nourishment area asymmetry relates a distributary channel network’s structure and dynamics: AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., EP31D-2380 [abstract]

Shaw, J.B., Ke, W.-T., Mahon, R.C. [2018], Distributary Channel Networks modeled using Non-linear Viscous Fingering: AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., EP32A-06 [abstract]



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